hyperpigmentation treatments in naperville

Pigmentation & Sun Damage


Lacklustre, Blotchy, Uneven. 

Does your skin have a dull and uneven tone?


Pigmentation occurs from repeated exposure of the skin to ultraviolet (UV) rays and is one of the main contributors of an aged appearance. Procedures such as BBL photofacial (IPL therapy), & HALO can help safely and effectively erase this dyschromia and offer comprehensive hyperpigmentation treatment in Naperville.

About Pigmentation & Sun Damage

The medical term used to describe sun spots or age spots is solar lentigos. They are formed in areas that receive repeated sun exposure and manifest as dark or light colored marks. This is due to an overproduction of melanin by melanocytes when our skin absorbs UV rays, and is also known as hyperpigmentation.

Continuous sun exposure will result in irregular and uneven coloring of the skin, and blotchiness. This gives skin a dull tone as the melanin rich areas will begin to deflect light. Though sun spots are harmless, be mindful of changing lesions, or new spots, and get your skin screened regularly.

Treatment Options

BBL Photofacial treatment

BBL Photofacial treatment

The BBL photofacial by Sciton is a popular hyperpigmentation treatment in Naperville and effectively removes the concentrated pockets of pigment by lifting the pigment using specific wavelengths from a spectrum of visible light. Within the BroadBand Light spectrum, there are wavelengths that will target the melanin rich deposits, creating an intense amount of heat that will erase them. After healing, they are no longer visible and skin looks brighter, clearer and more even-toned.

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HALO Laser Skin Resurfacing

HALO Laser Skin Resurfacing

The HALO laser is a revolutionary treatment that combines an ablative and non-ablative wavelength to effectively eradicate multiple concerns that the skin can present. HALO laser skin resurfacing is a great way to remove pigmentation found in the epidermal & dermal layers.

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LaseMD Ultra

LaseMD Ultra laser treatment offers a solution for a range of skin concerns, including signs of aging, sun damage, uneven skin tone or texture and melasma.

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Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are available in different strengths, mild, medium & deep. Depending on the severity of the sun damage and pigmentation, we can determine the best option for your skin. Our team of medical aestheticians in Naperville will help you determine the best treatment plan.

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man applying skincare product to face in mirror

Medical-Grade Skincare

Medical-Grade Skincare

We offer skincare products at our clinic for proper maintenance of your skin after your rejuvenating skin treatments at our facility. These products don’t contain fillers and are packed with active ingredients that deliver preventative, restorative & protective benefits to your skin long term.

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Dermalux LED phototherapy


LED phototherapy is a treatment that delivers optimal wavelengths of light to reduce inflammation and promote healing in the skin. This can help clear up acne breakouts and decrease the visibility of acne scars. At SMooth Solutions, Dermalux LED phototherapy is included free with all acne scarring treatments to help you achieve the best results.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

How many hyperpigmentation treatments in Naperville will I need? 

Can you permanently remove sun damage and pigmentation?

What is the difference between sun spots and freckles?

Multiple treatment choices. Unparalleled results.

At SMooth Solutions Medspa, we have the world’s leading technology for pigmentation & sun damage.

Our extensive knowledge base & training allows us to formulate the correct treatment parameters for optimum results. We also complement BBL photofacial treatments with at home skin care to prevent symptoms from recurring.

Revitalize Your Skin

When you choose SMooth Solutions Medspa to provide you professional treatments for your sun damage and pigmentation, you can expect to see quick results and immediate improvement in these conditions. Come in for a free consultation to learn more about our top rated services.